All produced transformators are tested using the most modern testing equipment such as TETTEX and OMICRON.
Our authorised metrology centre (AMS in Czech) ensures verification of transformers for current measurement. Authorisation has been issued by the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing (ÚNMZ in Czech) and our centre has been given the label of K128. This authorisation has also been approved by the Slovakian Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing. Standard verification includes transformers ranging from 1 A to 3 000 A for primary current and 5 A to 1 A for rated secondary current, possibly different. It is possible to verify transformers from other manufacturers as well.
This service includes:
Our testing centre provides calibration of transformers for current measurement. Standard calibration includes transformers ranging from 1 A to 3 000 A for primary current and 5 A to 1 A for rated secondary current, possibly different.
This service includes:
MT–měřicí transformátory, spol. s r.o.
Podolí 474
664 03 Podolí u Brna
Czech republic
Phone: +420 545 576 049